Friday, September 28, 2012

Autumn's Bachelorette

My sister is getting married in less than a month! As MOH I am getting nervous for her...but excited to celebrate her "last fling" this weekend on a cruise to the beautiful Ensenada. Ha. We aren't leaving the boat!

I am going to miss Jackson and Riley so much that I keep crying. It's my first time away from my baby girl and I have only been away from Jackson a few times in his 3 1/2 years. I am looking forward to the girl time but not the pumping. Riley still nurses ever 2-2 1/2 hours until bedtime so hold on ladies...let me go pump before we lay out!

Monday, September 24, 2012


...are the loudest parts of our day. Jackson encourages Riley to squeal really loud and I let them do this back and forth as I get their breakfasts ready. We always start with some dry Cheerios to keep them occupied. I am lucky to have two great eaters! Lately we have been reading a book at breakfast so I know that Riley has at least two books read to her each day. How do you other mommas of two or more read to your littles? Their interests are already so different.
P.S. Have you seen this? It's been a favorite since Jackson was a baby.
The babies can line up the Cheerios (real ones) on the pages of the books to help with fine motor skills, counting, and reading! 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Family Date Nights

Yep. Back to back. Fridays we usually go out to dinner and the kids did so well last night at Sammy's -- we received so many compliments about their excellent behavior -- that we ate out again tonight at The Spaghetti Factory. I was ready to make dinner but Sierra had some work at his office so we made it a family trip. The kids played at the tot park at PetCo stadium while Daddy...forgot his office keys and couldn't get in. Oops! Lovely evening spent walking the streets of Downtown SD nevertheless. Where do you dine for family date nights?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Riley is on the move and talking, too!

Help!!!! I. AM. NOT. READY!

  Riley started crawling a day after her 7th month birthday and I knew it would happen on that day because she seemed pretty eager to get down and move that morning...each day she has been getting farther around the floor. She's still in the I-am-kinda-scared-of-this-big-space rush, little sis! I don't mind her talking! It's adorable! She is proud of both milestones and so are we. 

Here is Riley saying, "Blah, Blah" which she later switched to "Bubba." Smart girl! Still need to capture it on video, but Jackson is so happy that one of her first words is the name we call him. 


Our Sweet Riley Grace is 7 Months

...really? How does 7 months go I think it feels even faster with the second child. Over the weekend I cried about not having a third baby since we said we are done with two before, during, and after my pregnancy with Riley. It has been A LOT of work adding a new family member. She has been SO easy...the older brother has not. We are constantly tweaking our parenting "skills" and adding new strategies...oh the fun never I can see how 7 months are now upon us! But seriously, a third is still in my mind. A girl can dream, right?

Had to remove the sticker from her for
this month's photo...she eats it.

  • Favorite Food: Peaches (in bite size pieces)
  • Favorite Book: Pat the Bunny 
  • Favorite person: Jackson 
  • Favorite animal: cats -- she loves them -- the real ones we live with, pictures, stuffed animals...
  • Favorite thing to do: GRAB things (hair, jewelry, cat tails)
  • Game: anything with surprise or bouncing

Milestones from the Sixth Month
  • At six months she figured out how to push up from her tummy to the sitting position so now she rolls, scoots, and pushes around really FAST. Picking up a baby gate cage today!
  • Riley has no fear. Kinda scary. Whereas Jackson was cautious at her age, she dives head first -- literally -- into things. She SQUIRMS during diaper changes big time.
  • Pulled herself up to the ottoman and is trying the crib, our bed, and bathtub. HELP.
  • Started eating meat this month (chicken). 
  • Started picking up her puffs and most end up in her mouth. 
  • Began eating majority of her food as finger foods instead of pureed. OMG my food processor broke last night as Jackson and I were making "ice cream" from frozen bananas. Bananas ended up EVERYWHERE besides our tummy. The top literally flew off while in motion. 
  • First word? Saying "Blah, Blah" when she sees Jackson. We call him Bubba. Hmmm.
  • Lots of squeals, copying us, and "talking" going on!
  • First teeth! The bottoms came in! Signs are there for the tops...stay tuned! 

Eat and Sleep
  • Remains the same...Riley naps three times a day (longer naps when Bubba is MIA) and at least 11.5 hours at night. She wakes up so happy and is taking off her harness if I'm not in there lickity split. I hear the Velcro ripping off through the baby monitor. It's not as loud in real life, just like the baby noises. LOL. 
  • Eating three meals a day of solids, a couple snacks to keep her busy, and nurses 6 or 7 times a day. Longest sessions are first thing in the morning and before bed. She is a lot more efficient now and is easily distracted (by brother) during her feedings.

Riley is the BEST baby ever! She smiles and laughs all day long...even in her sleep! We LOVE her so much! Even as trying as Jackson may be, he would never trade her in a million years (I asked him!). He does love her and LOVES to make her laugh. When he smiles at her it melts my heart. Makes up for all the naughty times. ;)

our little horsey riders 

Sunday, September 9, 2012


We are all set for the season! Go Chargers! Today we hosted Football Sunday's kickoff with our friends...and their kids. Times sure have changed!

P.S. Riley crawled, said her first two words (bubba and dada), and sprouted her first two teeth all in a week! Go big or go home!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Montessori Preschool

Jackson started a new preschool today. After visiting a few programs over the summer we selected a Montessori school for Jackson. I think it will fit his needs as he matures into a four year old! Yikes...four seems so MUCH older than three! He will be there twice a week for half days--which went by way too FAST for Mama and Riley. 

SO excited!

We were happy to meet his teachers today as a family. Sierra attended the Parent Orientation a couple weeks ago while I stayed home with the littles. Jackson said he had a great day and his teachers both said he was very respectful. =)

Ms. Shay greeted Jackson and showed him where to put his lunch. 

"I studied globes all day. I played outside and
watered something--not basil." --Jackson

...waving goodbye to our big boy!

and this little girl spent some quality time with hand therapy. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

First Teeth

Three months of teething signs and a bottle of Hyland's tablets...Riley's bottoms came through today! She is always so happy but Mama noticed she was a bit off this morning...poked through after Daddy fed her lunch. Maybe while we were wedding shopping with Auntie Autumn. =)

Why are teething biscuits so messy? I made my own and they were still a mess!