Thursday, February 2, 2012

3 years ago...

Special Birthday Pancake #3!

Dear Jackson,

Three years ago you came into this world smiling and you continue to give us smiles each day. We are so blessed to be your parents. You make us laugh, cry, and sometimes really frustrated. Yesterday you asked me what "difficult" meant when I said you were being difficult getting ready for preschool. 

You are the constant negotiator: "If I have three more bites of my dinner can I watch my show? If I clean up my books and put my PJs on then can I have 'buzzert' (dessert)?" It is so easy to give in to you but we are learning to stand firm and not be tempted by your cute face or adorable words. 

Now that you are three, you have promised that you won't whine and throw tantrums anymore because that's what two-year-olds do. We will see about that one. 

We are so proud of you because you are the only boy in your class to be fully potty trained and your verbal skills impress everyone you meet. We don't like to compare, but sometimes it is really obvious, like at soccer on Saturdays--you answer every question Coach Alyssa asks and we are trying to teach you that you need to let the other kids get some think time first before you blurt out the directions to the games you are about to play. Just like in your book, Moffie gets all the gold stars but then she doesn't make friends like Morgie does. 

You love to read and after Dad or I read you your three books at night, you ask for one more to read on your own. We leave the light on for you and sometimes you take out your flashlight and read with it. We hear you on the monitor telling stories and practicing the letter sounds that you are learning in pre school. You are really amazing and are going to be an awesome Big Brother to Riley--you are so excited! 

We hope you enjoy your special day with your friends at school. You are bringing them Cars cupcakes for a special treat! You picked out the flavors, frosting, sprinkles, decorations... and can't wait to share!

We love you Big Boy!

Mama and Daddy 

"Can I blow now?"

Cars cupcakes for pre school!

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