The Birthday Boy =) |
The Birthday Boy requested three things for his birthday: a football balloon, a REAL soccer ball, and cupcakes. I hope all future birthdays are this easy!
Jackson could not sleep the night before his Golden Birthday, as he turned two on February 2nd. I kept hearing him talking to his stuffed animals about his birthday plans: "Woof-Woof, I get cupcakes on my birthday!..."Penguin, my birthday is coming up!...I want a REAL soccer ball!" Finally I went in to his room and told him his birthday wouldn't come unless he went to sleep...30 seconds later he was snoozing.
The Birthday Bunny |
On his birthday morning, we let him open one present from the Birthday Bunny. Oh Birthday Bunny--you are almost as useful as Santa!
Then we took birthday donuts with sprinkles and treats for the kids at daycare to celebrate with them! Ms. Sue was so sweet to give Jackson a special car truck because he loves things that move and beep! beep!
Treats for friends at daycare |
yummmmmmy frosting! |
We had a yummy carnitas dinner followed by cupcakes with sprinkles! Jack loves frosting and sprinkles if you haven't guessed by now! His favorite gift was from Mommy Nannette and Auntie Autumn -- a cool train track with a "cabooooose." So much for the football balloon, soccer ball, and cupcakes!
choo! choo! |
Jack opened Aunt Cat's gift first! |
Auntie Autumn, Uncle Marco, and Junior! |
...We will continue his birthday next weekend at Legoland with some family and friends!
Birthday Videos:
- blowing out candles
- opening a gift from Uncle Clint and Aunt Angela
2 years old...our little boy is growing up! |
Us last year...1 year old! |
Night, night football balloon!