I just can't catch up on this blog...two kids sometimes feels like 10!
We celebrated February birthdays (Jackson, Riley, and Grandpa Terry) a few weeks ago in Mammoth and it was awesome. Jackson originally suggested Disneyland instead of a party but then had this idea about skiing...so we went with it!
Jackson had a class party and that was the best kind, in my opinion. No stress! Pizza, cake, and simple goody bags. He requested Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT) cake pops and this was the most stressful part as I had 1. never made cake pops and 2. needed to figure out fondant. Luckily, my sister in law, Angela, is an expert baker and was available for tips!
I think they turned out pretty cute and the kids said they were so yummy!
It was also Twin Day at school...or triplet day with his besties Jace and Danny. |
On Riley's birthday (four days after Jackson's), we visited Daddy at work and had a picnic lunch at Petco's Park in the Park. He works next door so that's always a bonus when visiting Pacific Debt, Inc.
Then we celebrated with dinner and an enormous Messy Sundae at Sammy's.
Two weeks later, we packed up the car, woke the kids up at 2 a.m., and headed for Mammoth. We were nervous about the 6-8 hour drive as it was our longest ever with children. But, it wasn't so bad! The early start time meant they fell back asleep and then woke up when the sun came up...and we were almost to Mammoth by that point. We only stopped once on the way to get some delicious bacon in Bishop. That is a must for sure.
Jackson was so happy to have bunk beds. He slept on a different bunk each night. Riley fell off within an hour of checking in, though. It was one of the scariest moments I've had as a mother. The wind was knocked out of her and she gasped for air as I watched her eyes roll back into her head and then back. Luckily she was back to normal a few minutes later. Still...you can never be too careful. I was standing next to the bed when she fell out through the gap of the railing. :( |
Snow outside our window! It was high 40s, mid 50s during the day. |
We enjoyed the fresh mountain air, beautiful scenery, and SNOW! Riley's first time and Jackson's first time remembering it. We all had been fighting colds for 4 to 6 weeks and somehow that weekend they disappeared and, knock on wood, went away!
Grandpa Terry and Gram Roni joined us for the weekend to help with Riley so Sierra and I could snowboard. I hadn't been in 6 years and somehow it's like riding a bike--you just remember. Jackson took ski lessons (loved) AKA 6 hours of kid free time! The second day was more challenging for him because his feet hurt. Mine, too. Ski and snowboard boots aren't the most comfortable.
We loved our kid free time! |
Before our long drive home we took the kids sledding. That was tons of fun! Even Grandpa Terry tried it--priceless!
The memories we created over that weekend are some of our best yet. It was fun in the sun...and snow! Hoping to make this an annual trip!