Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Frosty the Snowman

As I mentioned in my previous post, Jackson and his preschool class had their winter performance last week! Mommy Nannette, Daddy, and Mama were there to support our little snowman! Ms. Sierra's class of two year olds was the BEST...no, really, they were! They had the cutest matching outfits and you could tell they had practiced for weeks! 

We asked Jackson to perform for us at night leading up to his debut and he loved to show us his moves. The only thing that threw us off on the Big Day was that the kids didn't sing...I think there was a little stage fright. At the dress rehearsal in front of the whole school (ages infant-kinder), Ms. Sierra said Jackson sat right next to her and said he was scared. She had never seen this side of our happy and outgoing boy, but she said he was great once on stage. He made sure to tell me that the boys wore hats and the girls wore bows. SO CUTE! 

After the show we enjoyed a preschool party in his classroom and ate, what else? 
Reindeer Pops and Frosty's Treats. =)


We visited Great Grandpa Bill last weekend and look how happy these guys are! Grandpa turned 90 in July and he looks amazing! So happy to have these genes! 

Santa Jack and Libby's Tina dog. 

That night Sierra and I went downtown for his work party. Woo hoo! Look at this amazing sunset from our room! GORGEOUS!  We had an awesome night followed by a sleep-in session without our favorite toddler at the Hilton. Their business is growing so there were so many new faces this year!  Also new this year--the social committee; Nadine and Jessica! Great job, ladies! Sorry my husband is so competitive and LOUD. 

We checked in and were ready in less than 30 minutes for a fun night DTSD! 
Oh how I love O'Douls...it really tastes like beer and you even get fun stares from strangers! Now who has the video of Sierra's annual PDI dancing?!? 

Frosty the Snow-Woman @ 33 weeks! 

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