Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Break!

Playdates during Spring Break were so much fun!!!

Doing my Math POD (Problem of the Day)

At Playtown with Cole and Emerson

I love music!

With Celeste at Ruben H. Fleet--she shared her snacks with me!

Jackson has learned to clean his hands off when they are sandy...he loves getting dirty!

@ the dentist...I'm not opening my mouth! You can't make me!!!

Yum--cereal with milk!

belly sliding

Jackson and I have had some quality Mommy-Son time during my spring break. Yesterday we ran errands and met Heidi for some pre-baby shopping and a Starbucks. We also set up his new tent for the sunny days...and future beach days. Jackson tried cereal (Organic Trader O's) with milk yesterday--he gobbled down the whole bowl as fast as his daddy eats cereal! Mommy was super excited to hear from Kristina--she is engaged!!! =)

Today we went to Jack's first dentist appointment. He wouldn't open his mouth! Weird since he always has something to say or wants something to eat! The doctor finally coaxed him with a toothbrush and checked out his 12 teeth. Everything looks great so his next visit will be at 2! I know I say this all of the time...but I really can't believe how fast he is growing!!! What did people do before digital cameras and blogs?! At least I can capture some of our moments this way...and create lasting (virtual) memories. :)

I rewarded Jackson's good dental visit with a quick trip to the park before lunch and nap. There were some other kids at the park today, so that made it more fun for us!

The rest of the week we have a few play dates scheduled between nap time. We love meeting our big and little friends!

We will be going to Julian for a few days. Sierra rented a cabin on the lake just outside of downtown Julian. We can't wait to enjoy nature and watch Dada fish! I hope the Easter Bunny is able to find us!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend with Mama and Dada

We had fun outdoors this weekend. On Friday Jack had an Easter Egg hunt at daycare and had so much fun we did another one when we got home. Even Abby joined the fun!

The weather has been gorgeous! We spent some time at the park -- he loves being outdoors! Jackson can go down the slide on his own now, and seems to prefer sliding on his belly (as it has a lot of cushion). Here are a few highlights:

Jackson's new phrase is, "gotta go!" His other new words are: duck, apple, hat, Elmo, doc (dog). If he sees a banana, he wants it. They have always been a favorite, but now that he has the word to match, they are almost a craving. He wakes up in the morning and asks for "nana" or "banana" after he has his milk.

Jackson points to objects in one of his favorite books, a bday gift from Celeste.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Zoo with Auntie Autumn

Auntie Autumn joined us at the zoo on Sunday! We had a blast! The weather was perfect! Jackson enjoyed the petting zoo -- he really liked the goats and the (Easter) bunnies. We also saw a show and Jack enjoyed eating his snacks and watching the colorful birds fly high above us in the sky. He said "duck" to every bird he saw--even the ducks. :) Right around nap time our little guy passed out in his stroller and groggily said "bye" to Autumn...when he woke up 2 1/2 hours later he was in his crib at home cuddling with his favorite monkey!

Hey Goat!

Jackson & Mama with an elephant!

Jack & Auntie Autumn

Should I be scared of this gorilla?

Jackson learned to whisper "hi" (I wish he would use his whisper voice at 5 a.m.) and knows how to march with the music. He finally is letting his Leap Frog dog Scout (thanks Uncle Noah and Aunt Laura) play through a song--instead of pushing the buttons a million times--so we can hear the song all the way through. He marches and claps his hands.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

Jackson was about 6 weeks old last year on St. Patrick's Day. I remember taking him to Stroller Strides and making sure he had a little green on...just so he could lay in his stroller and sleep while I pushed him around and exercised.

A year later, he's almost running (he walks realllllllly fast) around on his own and enjoyed another gorgeous day in San Diego! He spent the day with his buddies at daycare -- he insists on hanging out with the "big kids" who are 2 1/2 to 5 years old. He REALLY likes to follow Connor (3 years old) around and is even on the "big kid" nap and play schedule. When I pick him up he's ready to go as soon as he sees me, and starts yelling "bye!" to everyone. He doesn't like it when I stay to chat because he wants all of my attention (sounds like his dad). We went to the grocery store for a few items ("balloon! balloon! nanas! nanas!") and then played in the yard. I sprayed him with some mist from the garden hose which he thought was hilarious. Biscuit and Abby enjoy Jackson now that he's able to play with them. He likes to throw his toys for them to chase.

Jack is taking one nap a day and the little guy is all tuckered out by 6:30 p.m. He becomes clingy and wants me to pick him up and then says, "bye!" and we begin the bedtime routine of saying good night to the fish, Da Da, the kitties, and his favorite toys. We call him "Mr. Independent" because he totally is...we are so lucky to have this little Irish blessing!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Big Boy Cup

Here's our big boy drinking milk from his cup. He also learned to say, "cook." We sure are enjoying the beautiful weather! Jackson loves playing outside. His new swing and slide castle are so much fun!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

No more pumping...and no more bottles!

I officially stopped pumping at work today. It has been a fun 13 months of providing Jackson his milk while he is at daycare, but all good things must come to an end. We were running into the problem of him not taking his sippy cup with my milk. He had no problems with juice and water...just my milk. His doctor said he associated my milk with me...and as the one year mark passed, I began pumping less...and less...and made the decision to stop today. So instead of spending my lunch hooked up to a machine, I can eat lunch with two hands! ;) I will continue Jackson's morning and night nursing as long as he wants...we do love this time! At this rate, he may be in kindergarten before he stops nursing...but the BEST part about not pumping today, we introduced organic whole cow's milk with my milk in a sippy cup and viola! Jackson is drinking all of his milk from a sippy cup so we can pack up the bottles, too! YAY! Here's our little guy after feeding himself yogurt...and showing off his 12 teeth!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Our Little Hero

Great Grandpa and Libby gave this birthday outfit to Jackson. He really is our little hero, like the romper says. We look forward to picking him up from daycare each day and spending the weekends and days off with him--he is learning so much and so fast!

Jackson is ALL boy. He had a booster shot today and didn't even cry! He is such a little man--so strong and brave! Then we saw a helicopter land and he couldn't stop staring and talking about it as he pointed to it in the sky. He enjoys playing with his trucks, cars, and balls. He is saying "football" and making "vroom" sounds when he plays with his cars. He also likes to flirt with the ladies. He will say "hi! hi! hi!" until the woman or little girl looks and says "hi" back, and then he gives a huge smile. =) Our new family game is to play Family Football. Sierra and I toss a football back and forth as Jackson giggles and runs between us. This game keeps us all laughing, and I hope you are sharing a laugh with us, too!

Monday, March 1, 2010

San Diego Zoo

Yesterday we went to the World Famous San Diego Zoo! Jackson and I had such a fun time. It was the first time he realized that there were animals at the zoo instead of just plants and a shady spot to nap in his stroller. His favorite part was the new elephant area, Elephant Odyssey. He played in this area with other little guys for a half hour and I had fun chasing him around.